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Les chats voient-ils les couleurs


The cat's vision


Have you ever wondered how your cat sees colors?

Experts have looked into the issue to draw some conclusions.

Apart from being a bit of a cat yourself, only science can try to explain it, so let's try to guess using a little of that gray matter.

How Cat Vision Works: 

It turns out that cats aren't able to see a wide range of colors because their eyes are different from ours. Cats do not visually perceive colors in the same way as humans, who see colors more vividly.

Studies show that cats are known for their limited ability to see colors compared to humans. Mainly because their eyes are biologically not the same as ours. They are known to be partially color blind, as they cannot detect red hues but only blues and greens.

A similarity with color blind people:

Some research has suggested that cats might see the world in a way very similar to that of a colorblind human. Most color blind people can see shades of blue and green, but not shades of red. This is how cats see colors. In addition to shades of blue or green, cats see shades of gray.

Color is discerned by nerve cells in the eye. The retina of the eye has two main types of cells: rods and cones. The ability to differentiate colors is determined by the presence of special color-sensitive cells called "cones." Human and feline eyes have three types of cones that can identify combinations of red, blue and green. But since humans have ten times more cones than cats, they appreciate color variations more. According to scientific observations, cats do not seem to perceive the full range of colors that humans can. Some scientists believe that cats only see blue and gray, while others believe that they also see yellow.

Color perception in cats: 

Here is a comparative representation between the perception of colors between humans and that of cats.

le chat voit-il les couleurs

Remember that green is made by combining yellow and blue.

GREEN = YELLOW (a color your cat cannot see) + BLUE (a color your cat can see)

Among the cords that we offer, we prefer to put you by default the one composed of green and red.

cordelettes Catsafe


Let's try to simplify:
So your cat sees yellow things as a shade of green or blue because there is blue and yellow light in everything green.

The cat cannot see yellow, but it can see blue. And the effect of blue and yellow (a color your cat can't see) is what he would observe as green.

When your cat sees a purple object, she will see it as blue, because purple is made of blue and red, and your cat can detect these blue hues.
Therefore, your cat can detect part of the color of a green or purple object because these colors each contain a color that your cat can see.
This is not the case, for example, when a cat observes a red object, because red does not have blue or green tones.

As you can see, it is not always as obvious as that so to follow the direction of our specialists and researchers we recommend Green/Red which combined together will mainly emerge as green/gray.

The other aspect of our choice is that of aesthetics and that's good because the other colors risk being too flashy in the long term. The green blends in quite well with the exterior decor and generally goes relatively unnoticed.

For those who are more curious, here is a complementary video in English. Enable subtitles for greater ease of understanding.


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